Rum, Rhum, Ron

By Brandy Library (other events)

Saturday, June 10 2017 2:30 PM 5:00 PM EDT

Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, Guadeloupe, Panama, Colombia and's a tour of the Caribbean for the most part! Most rum styles are showcased here, from the light and easy column distilled, molasses based, to the rich and heavy pot-fired from sugar cane juice and everything in between. Rum sure is an American drink, for our forefathers indulged in it before cracking the Whiskey code. What you'll get during the class: a food pairing, great slides and a solid buzz. What you won't get: stories of pirates, pina coladas and sunburns. Rum is extremely versatile: connoisseurs enjoy pairing it with cigars, Chefs love crafting desserts around it, and bartenders the world around get the favors they seek with it...and Pierce Brosnan would have been a total waste in Die another Day if not for drinking a Mojito!